Monday 19 June 2017

K Color Hair Dressing Debut cc 20thJune 17

1032 in.  1040~1045 discuss rainbow,  length & cut,  vol.  4 hours & lenth to shouldets reg.  Thus current trim n shape to future with choice of color ftm 2 standard sets.  I opt for (instead  of web display),  choice if red/pink mixs and dark contrast.

1049 begins....
Process:  Bleach off all colors,  grays noted.  Then mix reds & pinks,  then black coats. 2~3 hours.

Su Kim,  chin blonde bob.  Red checked frill nevk top,  grey apron,  lamguage sweet accented voice. Assisted by anothet Korean babe.  Checked in,  manual blue lined thick cardboard folder,  by name.  Some items written based on muy mssgenger. Receptionist a babe too.